
12 Weeks Sales Accelerator

Created By
Eunice Maina
  • 4.9 Star (54)
  • 4 Hour 47 min
  • 144 Enrolled
  • 5 Topics

Course Overview

Week 1:

  • 20X Pillars and Execution Disciplines.
  • Your Vision

Week 2:

  • Goal setting – Sales Projections
  • Commitment Pitfalls
  • Keeping commitments

Week 3:

  • Understanding self- Personality, process, and skills.

Week 4:

  • Understanding your customer
  • Customer segmentation

Week 5:

  • Personal and business Branding

Week 6:

  • Understanding Online Selling
  • Attraction selling
  • Permission Marketing

Week 7:

  • Facebook and Instagram

Week 8:

  • Google Marketing

Week 9:

  • Google Marketing

Week 10:

  • Pitching
  • Sales Metrics

Week 11:

  • Pipeline management

Week 12:

  • Evaluation and Celebration

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This Course Include:

  • Why 20X Community?
  • Setting the foundation for 20X Growth.
  • Becoming A High Trust Seller
  • Know Yourself
  • Building a strong personal brand

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